Reservoir Conditions

Access map products showing conditions for a subset of Reclamation reservoirs below.

Interactive Reservoir Conditions Dashboard

An interactive dashboard showing current storage levels at 54 Reclamation reservoirs. Teacup diagrams illustrate current reservoir levels compared to average reservoir storage over a 30-year historical averaging period (10/1/1990 to 9/30/2020).

Static Reservoir Storage Map

A static PDF map showing storage conditions for seven major reservoirs and four major reservoir systems for any date between October 1, 1990 and yesterday. Beginning in 2000, reservoir conditions are overlaid on drought intensity data from the U.S. Drought Monitor.

Select a date and click on 'Submit' to fetch the static map for a particular historical date

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The static reservoir storage map and interactive reservoir storage dashboard both show storage in acre-feet for a selection of operationally significant Reclamation reservoirs and reservoir systems. The static map includes data from 29 reservoirs, with eight individual reservoirs displayed on the map and an additional 21 reservoirs grouped into four reservoir systems displayed on the map, as shown in the table below. Storage data can be shown for yesterday's date and historical dates back to January 1, 1990. The interactive dashboard includes data from 54 individual reservoirs, as shown in the table below. Storage data for yesterday's date is shown in the map.

Data Sources

Reservoir storage data used in the maps is queried from Columbia-Pacific Northwest (CPN) Region Hydromet, Missouri Basin-Arkansas-Rio Grande-Texas-Gulf (MB-ART) Region Hydromet, Lower Colorado Basin (LCB) Region Hydrologic Database (HDB), Upper Colorado Basin (UCB) Region HDB, California Data Exchange Center (CDEC), and United States Geological Survey (USGS), as shown in the table below. Drought intensity data (displayed on the static map for dates after January 1, 2000) is retrieved as a feature service from Esri. Reservoir characteristics including site name, latitude, longitude, and maximum capacity for each reservoir included in the maps were obtained from Reclamation’s records.

Historical Statistics and Storage Comparisons

Historical statistics for reservoir storage were calculated for each day of the year over the period from October 1, 1990 through September 30, 2020. Historical statistics include: Maximum, 90th Percentile, 70th Percentile, 50th Percentile, 25th Percentile, 10th Percentile, Minimum, and Average. For individual reservoirs shown on the maps, the statistics were computed individually. For reservoir systems shown on the map, the daily storage was summed across all reservoirs in the system and statistics were computed on the combined time series.

The average storage statistic for each reservoir or reservoir system is shown in the teacup images on both the interactive dashboard and static map. The teacup images on the interactive dashboard also show the 10th and 90th percentiles. Maximum, 70th percentile, 50th percentile, 25th percentile, and minimum statistics are not shown on either map.

Comparisons of the reservoir storage for the specified date to the historical average, historical 50th percentile (median) and reservoir maximum capacity are calculated using the reservoir storage value on the specified date and the historical statistics and reservoir characteristics as described above. The following daily comparisons are calculated: Percent of Median, Percent of Average, and Percent Full (percent of maximum capacity).

Included Reservoirs and Data Sources

* Not included in the interactive dashboard
Reservoir Region PDF Map Representation Data Source RISE Catalog Link
American Falls CPN Part of Upper Snake System CPN Hydromet 
Anderson Ranch CPN Part of Boise System CPN Hydromet 
Arrowrock* CPN Part of Boise System CPN Hydromet 
Bighorn/Yellowtail MB-ART Bighorn Lake RISELocation 275
Blue Mesa UC RISELocation 1533
Boysen MB-ART RISELocation 281
Buffalo Bill MB-ART RISELocation 269
Bumping* CPN Part of Yakima System CPN Hydromet 
Calamus/Virginia Smith MB-ART RISELocation 287
Canyon Ferry MB-ART RISELocation 295
Carter  MB-ART RISELocation 288
Choke Canyon MB-ART RISELocation 291
Clark Canyon MB-ART RISELocation 294
Cle Elum  CPN Part of Yakima System CPN Hydromet 
Crane Prairie* CPN Part of Deschutes System CPN Hydromet 
Crescent Lake* CPN Part of Deschutes System CPN Hydromet 
Elephant Butte UC Elephant Butte Reservoir RISELocation 323
Flaming Gorge UC RISELocation 1535
Folsom CGB RISELocation 334
Franklin Roosevelt – Grand Coulee CPN CPN Hydromet 
Fresno MB-ART RISELocation 337
Gibson MB-ART RISELocation 342
Glendo MB-ART RISELocation 345
Grassy Lake* CPN Part of Upper Snake System CPN Hydromet 
Green Mountain MB-ART RISELocation 353
Guernsey MB-ART RISELocation 357
Haystack* CPN Part of Deschutes System CPN Hydromet 
Horsetooth MB-ART RISELocation 369
Hungry Horse CPN CPN Hydromet 
Island Park* CPN Part of Upper Snake System CPN Hydromet 
Jackson Lake CPN Part of Upper Snake System CPN Hydromet 
Jamestown MB-ART RISELocation 379
Kachess* CPN Part of Yakima System CPN Hydromet 
Keechelus* CPN Part of Yakima System CPN Hydromet 
Keith Sebelius/Norton MB-ART RISELocation 390
Keyhole MB-ART RISELocation 388
Kirwin MB-ART RISELocation 391
Lake Cascade CPN CPN Hydromet 
Lake Elwell/Tiber Dam MB-ART RISELocation 396
Lake Granby MB-ART RISELocation 351
Lake Havasu/Parker Dam LCB RISELocation 3515
Lake Mead/Hoover Dam LCB Lake Mead RISELocation 3514
Lake Mohave/Davis LCB RISELocation 3513
Lake Owyhee CPN CPN Hydromet 
Lake Powell UC Lake Powell RISELocation 393
Lake Sherburne MB-ART RISELocation 475
Lake Tschida/Heart Butte MB-ART RISELocation 402
Lucky Peak (owned by United States Army Corps of Engineers)CPN Part of Boise System CPN Hydromet 
McGee Creek MB-ART RISELocation 408
McPhee UC RISELocation 410
Millerton CGB RISELocation 413
Minidoka* CPN Part of Upper Snake System CPN Hydromet 
Navajo UCB RISELocation 423
New Melones CGB New Melones RISELocation 3204
Ochoco* CPN Part of Deschutes System CPN Hydromet 
Palisades CPN Part of Upper Snake System CPN Hydromet 
Pathfinder MB-ART RISELocation 433
Pueblo MB-ART Pueblo Dam RISELocation 445
Prineville* CPN Part of Deschutes System CPN Hydromet 
Rimrock* CPN Part of Yakima System CPN Hydromet 
Ririe* CPN Part of Upper Snake System CPN Hydromet 
Seminoe MB-ART RISELocation 467
Shadehill MB-ART RISELocation 476
Shasta CGB Shasta Lake RISELocation 471
Trinity CGB RISELocation 3203
Upper Klamath Lake CGB Upper Klamath Lake USGS 
Waconda/Glen Elder MB-ART RISELocation 504
Whiskeytown CGB RISELocation 509
Wikiup* CPN Part of Deschutes System CPN Hydromet 

Reservoirs included in PDF Map

* Not included in the interactive dashboard
Reservoir/Reservoir System Included Reservoirs 
Bighorn Lake Bighorn Lake 
Elephant Butte Reservoir Elephant Butte 
New Melones New Melones 
Lake Mead Lake Mead 
Lake Powell Lake Powell 
Pueblo Pueblo 
Shasta Lake Shasta Lake 
Upper Klamath Lake Upper Klamath Lake 
Deschutes System Wickiup* 
Crane Prairie* 
Crescent Lake* 
Upper Snake System American Falls 
Jackson Lake 
Grassy Lake* 
Island Park* 
Boise System Anderson Ranch 
Lucky Peak (owned by United States Army Corps of Engineers)
Yakima System Cle Elum 

To retrieve the data for the reservoirs in the visualizations that are available in RISE, use the RISE API results endpoint. The RISE API results endpoint root URL is:

Query parameters are available to filter results by location ID, parameter ID, date.

Example of the URL structure with template parameters:<LOCATION_ID>&parameterId=<PARAMETER_ID>&dateTime[before]=<START_DATE>&dateTime[after]=<END_DATE>&catalogItem.isModeled=false

Full query example URL:[before]=2024-05-01&dateTime[after]=2024-01-01&catalogItem.isModeled=false

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